What to Know About Emergency Exit Sign Testing


What to Know About Emergency Exit Sign Testing

Having emergency exit signs is an important part of building safety. These signs act as a guide for occupants who are trying to execute the building in case of an emergency or otherwise. However, what many building owners forget is the exit sign testing which is a crucial part of the process of maintaining a safe building. 


It is important that these signs are able to stand up to the strain of smoke and fire and still illuminate brightly. They also need to maintain their shape and not bend or break. In order to meet these requirements, being able to alert people to an emergency while providing safe evacuation guidance and exit light testing is a necessary piece of the puzzle.


All exit lights and signs need some form of testing. Simply put, even the most low-maintenance exit signs like photoluminescent exit signs that require no electricity or battery will require at minimum a bi-annual testing to make sure the signs are in full working order, not cracked, or problematic.  For example, if there are a lot of people streaming out of the exit door and your exit signs are not working properly you risk people getting trapped in elevators when they should be on stairs or not being able to find their way out by opening incorrect doors. You need exit signs that work properly to take people directly to the exit rather than walk around when time is of the essence.

Top Concerns With Emergency Exit Signs
As mentioned, all exit signs do need some form of review, but some require more extensive testing. Here are a few common exit signs that need testing and updating:

● Exit signs that do not match up the exit signs mounted on the building. If the exit sign is screwed onto the wall vs. the building material it is much harder to read and understand. Make sure all exit signs are aligned and properly mounted to avoid confusion among occupants. 

● Hard to read exit signs are not only dangerous, but against the law. Your exit sign should be easily readable from more than a few feet away. That means making sure the font is legible, large, and in an easy to read color. Certain states or cities might have specific requirements so you should check with your local fire marshal before purchasing exit signs on their requirements. 

● Make sure all exit signs are positioned correctly. This means making sure height meets requirements and that it is located in a place where the occupant can view it. Generally directly above the exit door or mounted directly on the ceiling above the door will meet code requirements. 

What type of testing does the fire code require? 
There is a specific fire code that regulates emergency lights and emergency exit signs. It states they should be tested at least once a month. If you have photoluminescent exit signs or self-illuminating exit signs this will not apply. However, exit signs that require electricity/battery power you need to follow this rule of thumb to make sure they are in proper order and be able to do their job in case of an emergency.

You will need to test these specific types of exit signs monthly to ensure the batteries are strong and active. Most of these types of emergency exit signs will have a “push to test” button located on the casing. To test, you just push and hold the button for thirty seconds to test the bulb and battery power. You need to do this for every exit sign in your building. 


Another option is to locate the circuit breaker or fuse that supplies power to the emergency lights and exit signs. Make sure the circuit breaker is turned off and the lights observed to determine if they work for the thirty-minute (annual) or thirty-second (monthly) testing period. Before proceeding, make sure to save any data on computers if they are connected to the same circuit. 


The reason you are required to go through the thirty second testing is because many batteries might have what is called a surface charge only. These are defective batteries that have maintained just enough charge to fully light bulbs for a few seconds, but will quickly lose power. If you test for less than thirty seconds you may find that the lights work each month, only to find that they go out in just a few seconds during an actual emergency situation. With the thirty second testing period you can rest assured your batteries don’t have just the surface charge. 

Shop Photoluminescent Emergency Exit Signs
Exit sign testing is a process not to be taken lightly. If you have electricity/battery powered emergency exit signs you need to do this monthly and annually to meet building requirements.


If you are looking for a low-maintenance emergency exit sign that requires no testing, shop for photoluminescent exit signs. These signs do not use electricity or batteries, requiring no monthly testing. Learn more and shop the full selection online at JessupMFG.com.


2023-06-29 09:51:00
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