Top 5 Tips for Safe Emergency Egress


Top 5 Tips for Safe Emergency Egress

Ensuring the safety of building occupants during an emergency is of paramount importance. Emergency egress systems are designed to provide a safe and efficient way for people to evacuate a building in the event of an emergency.


Proper emergency egress, or the process of exiting a building in the event of an emergency, is critical to ensuring that people can safely evacuate and get to a place of safety.  These systems typically include a combination of exit routes, emergency lighting, and other safety features that help guide people to the nearest exit and out of the building.

Types of Emergency Egress Systems
Emergency egress systems are critical to the safety of building occupants and should be carefully planned and maintained to ensure that they are effective in the event of an emergency. Here are the most common systems to be aware of for your building:

● Exit routes: These are the paths or corridors that lead people from the inside of a building to a safe location outside. Exit routes should be clearly marked and easy to access, with no obstructions or hazards.

● Exit doors: These are the doors that lead people from the inside of a building to the outside. Emergency exit doors should be easily accessible and equipped with panic hardware, which allows people to easily open the door even if they are disoriented or panicked.

● Emergency lighting: In the event of a power outage or other emergency, it's important to have a backup lighting system in place to help guide people to the nearest exit. Photoluminescent emergency lighting systems are a reliable and energy-efficient option, as they use a special paint or material to absorb and store energy from ambient light sources. When the power goes out, the stored energy is released in the form of a glowing light, providing additional illumination in the event of an emergency.

● Emergency intercom systems: These systems allow people to communicate with first responders or other building occupants during an emergency. They can be used to call for help, report an emergency, or provide updates on the situation.

● Emergency evacuation plans: It's important for all building occupants to know what to do in the event of an emergency. This includes knowing how to evacuate the building, where to go once outside, and what to do if they become separated from their group. Emergency evacuation plans should be clearly communicated to all building occupants and regularly reviewed and updated.


Top 5 Tips for Safe Emergency Egress
Ensuring safe emergency egress is essential to the safety of building occupants. By following the above tips and investing in energy-efficient solutions like photoluminescent technology, building owners and managers can help ensure that their building is prepared for any emergency situation. These are five important factors to consider when creating your egress system:


1. Have a clear and well-marked evacuation plan. The first step in ensuring safe emergency egress is having a clear and well-marked evacuation plan in place. This should include the location of all exits, as well as any alternative exits or escape routes. It's also important to clearly mark all exits and escape routes with signage that is easy to see and understand. Photoluminescent exit signs are a great option for this, as they use a special paint or material that absorbs and stores energy from ambient light sources. When the power goes out or the lights are turned off, the stored energy is released in the form of a glowing light, providing a clear and reliable wayfinding solution in the event of an emergency.


2. Ensure that all exits are accessible and unobstructed. It's essential that all exits are easily accessible and not blocked by any obstacles, such as furniture or equipment. It's also important to keep exits clear of any hazards or potential tripping hazards, such as cords or cables. Regular inspections and maintenance can help ensure that all exits are in good working order and ready to be used in an emergency.


3. Provide training and drills for building occupants. Ensuring that all building occupants know what to do in the event of an emergency is crucial for safe emergency egress. This includes knowing how to evacuate the building, where to go once outside, and what to do if they become separated from their group. Regular drills and training can help familiarize people with the evacuation plan and make sure that everyone knows how to safely evacuate the building.


4. Install emergency lighting systems. In the event of a power outage or other emergency, it's important to have a backup lighting system in place to help guide people to the nearest exit. Photoluminescent emergency lighting systems are a reliable and energy-efficient option, as they use the same technology as photoluminescent exit signs to store and release energy in the form of a glowing light. These systems can be installed in hallways, stairwells, and other areas to provide additional illumination during an emergency.


5. Consider additional emergency egress solutions. In addition to the above tips, there are a number of additional emergency egress solutions that can help ensure the safety of building occupants. For example, emergency exit doors with panic hardware can allow people to easily open the door and evacuate, even if they are disoriented or panicked. Emergency intercom systems can also be installed to allow people to communicate with first responders or other building occupants during an emergency.

Shop Photoluminescent Egress Systems
Emergency egress systems are a critical aspect of building safety and should be carefully planned and maintained to ensure that they are effective in the event of an emergency.


Jessup Manufacturing is a leader in photoluminescent films and can help you design your next emergency egress system to meet building codes. Contact our team today to learn more and shop our entire photoluminescent emergency egress marker selection online today at

2023-07-13 06:17:53
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